ONK Tune Dragon Class Enkhuizen (24-25 Aug)

zaterdag 24 augustus 2024 t/m zondag 25 augustus 2024

zaterdag 6 januari 2024 t/m zaterdag 10 augustus 2024
IJsselmeer Enkhuizen EWVA Yachtclub

Be prepared for our Dutch Nationals by reconnaisance of wind and water characteristics and tune in by arriving a weekend earlier to Enkhuizen and enrole in our Tune Up which offers your  team good ONK training oppertunities.


This Tune Up weekend 24-25 August is hosted by EWVA yachtclub enabling teams to get acquainted with Eknhuizen sailing area and typical wheather sailing conditions. 




Make your PRE-REGISTRATION by using the blue button down this page "inschrijven" you can make FINAL entry register (when registration is opened by EWVA Enkuizen) and download NOR Notice of Race / SI Sailing Instructions: 


Final Entry Register




Inschrijven Deelnemers